Full List of Services
I offer a variety of services in order to serve various individuals regardless of where they are on their path of Resilience. Please read more below and contact me if any of these invitations to work with me feel like a good fit for you.
Group Programs

When the Body Talks.....
This is my signature program, 5 months of guided interaction focused on your individual nervous system recalibrating to be able to feel and listen to your body. When we balance the body more with the mind then the nervous system functions in a totally new way. This can help you thrive more, release trauma, express emotions, process grief, or just feel more wellness on a daily basis. So much is possible when you learn to listen more to YOU.​
Click the link to read more about this program or to apply.
In service to your knowing
New group online program for 6 months
Pre req to have already taken When the Body Talks
Online Courses
~Foundational Nervous System Practices~
​​​No matter where we are in life it is so important to have a strong foundation or BASE level that supports everything else. This is the place to begin and the place to come back to over and over again each time we begin a new chapter or grow into something new.
The capacity of our nervous system dictates so much in our lives; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
​This online course is to improve skills in self care and expand the capacity of your nervous system with a supportive structure of easily digestible material that transforms you in a self paced practice.
It is the BASE of everything else I teach.
Built around these 4 Foundational Areas:
It utilizes the power behind 30 day practices to go deeper in all 4 of these areas physically but to also create skills mentally in awareness, observation of self, curiosity and replacing limiting beliefs with your own core values.
It is also a deeply supported group container with daily digital coaching by me to allow you to really settle in and lay a strong foundation. It is the process of holding a small consistent daily practice that creates changes in the nervous system as you create habits and routines that become your new Base.
As with all the things I teach, it is based on principles of self-healing so no two people will have the same journey.
It is 4 months of material and is on a rolling entry basis so new members may join anytime as we continually cycle our way through the 4 areas of practices.​​​​​​​

Single Day Workshops
I am going to do a series of single day workshops either a half day or full day in length on a variety of topics I am passionate about and have a lot of feedback from others that want more information.
I am going to start these as online only right now through Zoom but my plan is to be able to hold them in person by the month of June for those interested in face to face time. There is the option of viewing a reply of these if you are interested in the material but unable to make it live. Once you sign up I will make sure you end up with access to the replay. The price is $45.
The first one will be held Saturday April 20th at 1 pm EST on Zoom. ​​​It will be at least 3 hours (still reviewing material to see if a 4th hour is needed).
The general topic is ANXIETY and understanding what this actually is in our lives. Much of what seems to be commonly discussed as a disease or disorder is actually natural, normal and totally healthy. Lets explore and talk about htis more together.
Private 1:1 Sessions

Ignite - 1:1 Program for 6 Months
This is a highly transformational program
We go deep for 6 months (minimum) together
$333 a month
Everyone has a fire inside of them, sometimes it burns down to just a tiny spark. A practice of resilience is to ignite this back to a full flame. I love to be a part of these journeys with people.
If you feel called to this work with me click below.
Personal 1:1 Coaching Basics
Prior to entry into personal coaching of any kind, each participant completes a detailed questionnaire, which provides the information needed to customize a program that will raise self-awareness while creating a unique path forward to transformation.
Discovery Session
This is a free brief video session to assess compatibility in working together and create a unique custom path forward based on each individual.
Monthly Coaching Programs
(3, 6, or 12 month increments)
Monthly Personal Coaching Programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual, regardless of where they may currently be on the journey towards resilience. The majority of clients are in a Program that has been specifically created for their unique path including video coaching sessions, and weekly coaching adjustments. These are a minimum of 3 months but most clients end up in 12 month programs to see transformation.
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Lauren provides personal video coaching sessions for individuals with an identified and discrete focus. These single sessions are ideal for previous clients who want to refresh their skills after completing a program or specific targeted coaching in someone who already has been doing work. These are not going to be transformative to someone that is just beginning their resilience journey.​

General Coaching Offerings
I have years of experience in relationship coaching, much of the work I have done is based in attachment theory and how this affects all relationships throughout a person's life but with the most intense focus being on intimate partnership. I believe that when you work to change yourself it creates a shift in relationship.
I have a lot of experience working with people's emotions and have found a great deal of success in non medical ways to treat emotional dysregulation of the nervous system.
This is a specific type of coaching that I particularly enjoy providing because it is not always focused on shifting an undesirable trait is has a focus on just seeking an individual in life that can be an objective sounding board for listening to where you are in life and where you are headed. often times we feel our friends and loved ones can not be fully objective and we also still have the desire to run our ideas by someone else. This can be a good fit for anyone, business owners, medical professionals, lawyers, managers, any field of work and anything personal as well.
Healthcare Provider Resources
Healthcare Provider Coaching
There was a reason you chose a career in healthcare, and made the significant investment of time and energy into learning how to be of service caring for others. If you feel you have lost your way from that original spot or are feeling burned out I have a background in working with healthcare providers in all fields (MD, DO, PT, DVM, PA, NP, etc.) to help guide you back to the true passion that lead you to this path. This is truly a journey of resilience and no matter where you are on the spectrum of burned out to passionate I would love to be on your team supporting you as you rebalance your life. It took a long time to get off track and it will not be an overnight fix this is always a minimum of 3 months.
I have spent years working with University’s teaching the psychiatry module and precepting students on their psychiatry rotation, which lead to my comfort in teaching about the field of medicine I have worked in now since 2015. Throughout my career I have had discussions with many of my peers and colleagues which showed me that there is often a feeling of uncertainty in how providers relate to patients with a mental health diagnosis. If you would like to brush up on or expand your knowledge base and skills, I offer teaching in this area. Think of it as private tutoring on encountering patients with mental health issues. If you are a new grad or a provider looking to transition to the specialty I also offer mentorship for this transition. This may be a one time session or multiple sessions.