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No matter where we are in life it is so important to have a strong foundation or BASE level that supports everything else. This is the place to begin and the place to come back to over and over again each time we begin a new chapter or grow into something new. 


The capacity of our nervous system dictates so much in our lives; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. 


​This online course is to improve skills in self care and expand the capacity of your nervous system with a supportive structure of easily digestible material that transforms you in a self paced practice.


It is the BASE of everything else I teach.


Built around these 4 Foundational Areas:

  • Hydration

  • Feeding

  • Sleep 

  • Movement


It utilizes the power behind 30 day practices to go deeper in all 4 of these areas physically but to also create skills mentally in awareness, observation of self, curiosity and replacing limiting beliefs with your own core values. 


It is also a deeply supported group container with daily digital coaching by me to allow you to really settle in and lay a strong foundation. It is the process of holding a small consistent daily practice that creates changes in the nervous system as you create habits and routines that become your new Base.


As with all the things I teach, it is based on principles of self-healing so no two people will have the same journey.


It is 4 months of material and is on a rolling entry basis so new members may join anytime as we continually cycle our way through the 4 areas of practices.

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